Monday, March 26, 2007

Intros to Impacts

First of all you might be wondering why I am writing a blog on the impact of computers in society, to which the easy answer is it is an assignment. Aside from that small fact as to the initiation of this blog, the idea itself has merit and is worth a blog entry or two or ten. Computers have shaped our society more than any other invention in the 20th century. It is hard to think of many things that impact our lives with out the assistance of computers. I thought about coffee as to something that isn't impacted by computers, but even something so basic as coffee is impacted by computers. First of all not many people I know make their coffee over a fire that they built. Most cup of joes originate from a machine that has a computer chip in it. Must I continue down the coffee road? The electricity used has defiantly been enhanced due to computers. Production of coffee beans, how they are grown, harvested, and made available to the common market, has all been studied with programs on computers to improve productivity while cutting down on cost. The fact that you are reading this blog (or falling asleep as you read) is a testament to computers. I write this at 10:59 on March 26,2007 but my words are suspended in time until I delete them or blogger deletes them probably due to inactivity. Computers impact almost all aspects of society and will continue to do so in the future in larger and more "magnificent" ways.